How to Master Hybrid Meetings?

The day will come when we will again be able to decide freely how and where to hold a meeting. But one thing is already clear: in presence meetings will be much less frequent. Instead, we will get used to mixtures of remote and face-to-face. Read here how to master hybrid meetings.
What Are the Ingredients for an Engaging Virtual Training?

Interaction is the answer to successful engagement and using the features of the platform is the answer to interaction. But, the features alone do not engage participants. It is what you choose to do with those features that will make the difference.
How to Collaborate Effectively in Virtual Teams?

Virtual teamwork showed us that online teams work, but we still need to get better at leading, collaborating and communicating virtually. But how do we increase the feeling of togetherness on virtual teams?
How to Design Online Courses to Bring Learning Journeys Alive?

Designing workshops is about finding that balance between letting your learners create and discover knowledge, and your inputs as subject matter experts: that is not always an easy balance to find. Read on how to design learning journeys for the virtual space.
How to Choose the Best Online Platform For Your Virtual Event?

Hosting worldwide virtual events and connecting with participants through robust engagement solutions is an amazing way of increasing the outreach of your activities. But how do you select the platform which is the best fit for you?
How Can You Improve Your Virtual Experience From a Learner’s Perspective?

Due to the current worldwide #Covid-19 developments all learners needed to move to the virtual classroom within a few days or weeks. Read our tips and tricks on how to self-organise, self-motivate, and structure oneself in the virtual space.
How to Design a Virtual Onboarding Event for Newcomers?

Many organisations are still 80% remote, but not many have understood the importance of a proper virtual team building. Read on how to design and facilitate an EXTRAordinary virtual experience for your new team members!
How to Design and Organize Virtual Exchange (COIL) Programs for Universities?

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), also referred to as virtual exchange, includes opportunities for intercultural and transnational learning to students within their degree programs.
How to Design and Organise a Virtual Career Fair?

Be it before or during one´s studies, or only after graduation, at some point we all start thinking about our career path. Read in this blog what to consider when organising a virtual career fair?